Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Family Thankfulness Board

My grandfather, a Marine who nearly died at Iwo Jima during WWII, always began family prayers with, "Thank you Lord for the gift of life."  As a little girl, I remember thinking "I wonder what that means?", but I revered my grandfather so if he said it, it must be special and important.   Those prayers taught me to begin each prayer and to look at life with praise and thanksgiving. Thank you Pop for the life lesson.

Don't you absolutely love seeing all of the 'Thankful' posts on Facebook each November?  I know some people scroll through them, but I read as many as I can and try to share my 'Thankfulness' list when there is a spare moment each day.

This year, I wanted to include the children in this daily offering of why we are thankful.  I have never forgotten that lesson from my grandfather and Honey and I want our children to not only understand how blessed they are, but also to be thankful for each blessing.  Throughout the year, each night at family dinner we share three things about our day, but for November we will also share one reason that we are thankful.  No one can list the same thing and you must list something different each night.

I had purchased what I thought was the perfect sized chalkboard from Hobby Lobby but quickly realized my chalkboard was WAY too small to keep all items on the board for the entire month.  This year we will keep the list a week at a time and next year, I have plans to rearrange my kitchen art and make my own large chalkboard that can stay the entire month with plenty of room for all 30 days.

The following list was from our first couple of days along with some add-ins from the Baby today.  Don't you love the honesty about Disney trips being right there below Jesus and food?!?  Prioritizing will be something we will need to work on this month.

All Things Thursday Blog Hop

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous idea! Thanks for linking up at Mom Lovin!
