Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Greatest Gift

Li Bien Nativity Ornament
I follow Proverbs 31 Ministry’s daily email devotionals and they are all always fabulous devotionals.  Sadly, I usually only read about 4 out of 7 days each week because time tends to be in short supply with 3 children.  (I really think that precious C-man with ADHD should count as two children!)  A couple of years ago I happened to take time and read a Christmastime devotional that has truly made a wonderful impact on my life.  

The writer shared a gift she had received at an ornament swap.  As she opened the beautifully wrapped ornament she found a note included that explained that whoever received the ornament would be prayed over every day for the next year.  EVERY SINGLE DAY the giver promised to pray specifically for the recipient of her ornament gift.  

I just happened to read this devotional on the very day the ladies from my Sunday school class were gathering for the annual ornament swap.  It is a wonderful time that I look forward to each year.  I was excited and honestly a little nervous to include such a note with my gift.  Other than for Honey and my children, I had never made such a promise.  I also didn't want to seem like I was upstaging anyone else with this gift, but truly felt led to include the note and be true to my promise.  Wire Trees
A lady who I hardly knew opened my gift and I am so very glad she did.  I emailed or texted her about once or twice a month in addition to seeing her at church to check in with her and to see if I could pray over in particular.  'E' and I became great friends and found we had so much in common, including ADHD sons, Ole Miss, and much more.  My prayer friend 'E' has since moved, but I still pray over her and her family are never far from my 'prayer thoughts'.  I guess old habits do die hard.  

Last year, a young mom and newer member of our Sunday school class was the recipient of my ornament and note. (She actually stole my ornament from another and said it was for the prayers!)  I made a point to have coffee with her and have tried to make a special point to check in with her.  I have loved this year of praying for 'A', her new baby and all of the struggles that every mom of littles endures.  

Last week, a precious lady who I adore was the recipient of the glitter trees, a Santa soap dispenser and a year of my prayers.  This wonderful mother actually wanted to transfer my prayers for her to her son.  Talk about selflessness.  I wonder if her son knows how much his mama loves him?  Yes, I will pray for her son but mamas need the fuel that prayer brings too.

These past two years of praying for these two women have been such a blessing to me in so many ways.  Even when their year was 'up' I still kept each in my thoughts, and of course in my prayers.  I highly recommend you consider adding this gift of prayer to your ornament at your gathering this year.  You won't regret it. 


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