Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hey Y'all!

Before I start posting 'the fun stuff', I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and give you an idea about what I plan to share with y'all.  

I'm Hope - a Southern mom to 3 precious little ones.  I am oh so blessed to be a former trial lawyer now stay at home mom in the fall, winter & spring.  During the summer, I am a full-time swim instructor to other parents' precious littles.  I love family game night & movie night, dates with my hubby, baking (my kiddos have played assistant baker since they could hold a measuring cup), planning unforgettable birthday parties (because it's the memory that makes it worth it all), anything Ole Miss, reading a good book, Mexican food, absolutely everything about the BEACH, the perfect cupcake, Disney trips, pilates & yoga, sewing, and making other people smile.

Why 'Hope Floats and More' as my blog title? Well, I spend at least 8 weeks teaching swimming lessons each summer and adore the beach.  I do like the water aspect of the title, but it's more than that. I want to teach my children to have hope no matter what; that hope can always rise above the craziness in life and 'float'; and to hang on to that hope.  One last meaning for the title - as a mom of three, sometimes I feel like I can just keep my head above water! Who's with me?

What can you expect to read on my blog?  It will be a mixed bag of all that I love along with some other sprinkles of life in general.  Plans for now include, all of my Disney tips, tricks & ideas; birthday party ideas and overviews; my favorite recipes; freezer meals; family fun night ideas; cute teacher gifts/school goodies; fitness tips and MUCH more. 

My Sweet Family
I hope y'all will join me on this adventure!


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